Why SyMania
MFA Solution
Vast number of strong factors: Symbol, Sequence, Mobile Phone, Terminal, Geolocation, Push, Random, UUID and more
True Passwordless
A single authentication step without the use of passwords - It is unreasonable to use or protect a hacked security layer
Simplify The Authentication
No need for hardware Speeding the process
Biometrics Alternative
Using something you know is as strong as using something you are No Biometrics = No Privacy Violation
An Intuitive Product for a wide age range of users
Accessible to all users regardless of their age or education
Non Language
A worldwide solution regardless of the users language or background
Proffesional Dedicated United Team
Yigal Unna
Eliran Fadlon
Co FounderPresident
Assaf Schwartz
Co FounderCR&D
Martin Umansky
Co FounderCOO
Demian Burkman
Co FounderCTO
Tomer Brouck
Co FounderVP Cyber
Meital Shitrit
QAOperations Coordinator
Roee Eizenman
R.E. UnderwritingChief Strategy Officer
Tal Eliasaf
Naschitz Brandes AmirLegal Advisor
Nir Zichlinskey
SRI global groupFinance
Merav Lapidot
Lapidot CommunicationsCMO
Yoav Abrahami
WIX Enterprise CTOTech & Product Advisor